Erik Erikson

"'Clinical' once designated the function of a priest at the sickbed when the somatic struggle seemed to be coming to an end, and when the soul needed guidance for a lonely meeting with its Maker. There was, in fact, a time in medieval history when a doctor was obliged to call a priest if he proved unable to cure his patient within a certain number of days. The assumption was that in such cases the sickness was what we today might call spirituo-semantic. The word 'clinical' has long since shed this clerical garb. But it is regaining some of its old connotation, for we learn that a neurotic person, no matter where and how and why he feels sick, is crippled at the core, no matter what you call that ordered or ordering core. He may not become exposed to the final loneliness of death, but he experiences that numbing loneliness, that isolation and disorganization of experience, which we call neurotic anxiety. However much the psychotherapist may wish to seek prestige, solidity, and comfort in biological and physical analogies, he deals, above all, with human anxiety."
                                                                                        - Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson Home Page
Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development of Personality
Erikson page compiled by Wendy Sharkey
Erikson by C. George Boeree
Erikson bio and theory page
Erikson notes
More Erikson notes
Erikson's developmental stages
Slides on Erik Erikson
Erikson and Freud Compared
Erikson Bibliography
"Erikson's Concept of Ego Identity Reconsidered" by Robert S. Wallerstein
"The Aging Opportunity" by Marc Freedman
"Fatherwork" by David C. Dollahite and Alan J. Hawkins
"The Psychological Changes of Adolescence" by Sharon A. Stringer
"Aging gracefully?" by  S. Anandalakshmy
"Search and Research with the Psychedelics" by Robert E. Mogar
"The Etiology of Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders" by Jim Goodwin
"An Interview with Dr. Li-Rong Lilly Cheng" by Clifford Elliot Noble II & Shubin Li
"Introduction to Gender Advertisements" by Sol Worth
"The Arts in Alternative Education" by Alice Lovelace
"Empowering the Faculty: Mentoring Redirected and Renewed" by Gaye Luna & Deborah L. Cullen
"Is 'Perversion' Obsolete?" by Robert M. Young
"A Brief Psychoanalytic Look at Shame" by Richard H Pfeiffer
"Drawing Outside the Lines: Value Systems, Memetics, and Education in the Third Millennium" by Caleb Rosado
"A Qualitative Study of Middle Grade Students' Perceptions of Their Schools, Teachers and Classes" by Gahan Bailey
"A Case for Clinical Qualitative Research" by Ronald J. Chenail
"A Narrative Discourse Analysis of a Midlife Woman’s Story of Her Return to College" by Tamara Bollis-Pecci
"Freud's Unwritten Case: The Patient 'E.'" by Douglas A. Davis
"Psychotherapy for Gay and Lesbian Clients" by David Hawkins
"Changing Families, Challenging Futures" by Annette Holland
"The Life Review as a Tool to Prevent Despair" by Haight and Hendrix
"Is There Both Care and Justice in the Mathematics Classroom?" by Jude Ocean
"Kinder, Kuche, Kirche as Scientific Law: Psychology Constructs the Female" by Naomi Weisstein


Childhood and Society
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $11.16

Dialogue With Erik Erikson
by Richard I. Evans (Editor), Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $35.00

Dimensions of a New Identity
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $3.16

The Erik Erikson Reader
by Robert Coles (Editor), Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $24.50

Gandhi's Truth : On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $12.76

Identity : Youth and Crisis
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $10.36

Identity and the Life Cycle
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $9.56

The Life Cycle Completed
by Erik Homburger Erikson, Joan Mowat Erikson
Our Price: $8.80

A Way of Looking at Things : Selected Papers from 1930 to 1980
by Erik Homburger Erikson, Stephen P. Schlein (Editor)
Our Price: $17.95

Young Man Luther : A Study in Psychoanalysis and History
by Erik Homburger Erikson
Our Price: $9.56

Erik H. Erikson : The Power and Limits of a Vision
by Paul Roazen
Our Price: $25.00

Identity's Architect: A Biography of Erik H. Erikson
by Lawrence Jacob Friedman, Robert Coles
Our Price: $24.50

Men, Religion, and Melancholia : James, Otto, Jung, and Erikson
by Donald Capps
Our Price: $32.00


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