"Psycho-analysts must be able to tolerate the differences or the difficulties of the analysand long enough to recognize what they are. If psycho-analysts are able to interpret what the analysand says, they must have a great capacity for tolerating their analysands' statements without rushing to the conclusion that they know the interpretations. This is what I think Keats meant when he said Shakespeare must have been able to tolerate negative capability."

- Wilfred R. Bion



Wilfred Ruprecht Bion -- Past and Future
W. R. Bion: Biography and Bibliography
Bibliography on Bion
"W. R. Bion and T. S. Eliot" by Anna Dartington
"Bion's 'Transformation in 'O''..." by J. S. Grotstein
"About Violent Behavior and Relational Impasses..." by Casoni & Brunet
"Symbolization and Intersubjectivity" by Denis Mellier
"The Transition from Anger to Love" by Gisela Ermann
"The Fundamental Role Of The Grid In Bion's Work" by Pontes de Miranda...
"Learning from Experience: Thinking in the Presence of Others" by Fox and Frank
"An Autobiography of Thought" by Mireille Fognini with Simon Harel
"Nine Psychoanalysts in Search of a Myth" by Camargo, et. al
"Talking About Psychoanalytic Models of the Supervision" by Souza and Cassorla
"Interfaces of Psychoanalytic Object and Truth Construction..." by Souza and Rosa
"Pre-Natals/Post-Natals: The Total Personality" by de Bianchedi, et. al
"Schizophrenia from a Group Perspective" by Marvin Skolnick
"Weaving Dreams" by Maria Stela
"From Private to Public..." by Zolotnicki de Calabrese
"Exalting -K" by Chris Mawson
"Thought and Sexuality" by Leopold Nosek
"Unbearable Ecstasy, Reverence and Awe..." by Judith L. Mitrani
"A Psychoanalytic Fantasy" by Deocleciano Bendocchi Alves
"Magic Eye and Binocular Vision" by Sonia Neves Langlands
"Thinking Aloud About Technique" by Isabel Luzuriaga
"Laying Low and Saying (almost) Nothing" by Parthenope Bion Talamo
"What is Thinking" by Paulo C. Sandler
"Psychic Reality and Unconscious Belief: a Reconsideration" by Harold B. Gerard
"Various Faces of Lies" by Elizabeth T. de Bianchedi
"Acts of Writing" by Simon Harel
"The Intersection Between Bionian and Jungian Vertices" by JoAnn Culbert-Koehn
"The Emergence of Thinking" by Guy Da Silva
"Bion's Psychoanalysis and Edelman's Neuroscience" by Rosemarie Kennel
"Emotional Experience" by Paschoal Di Ciero Filho
"Containing a Dead Object" by Grigoris Vaslamatzis
"A Glance at Oedipus: Some Ideas on the In/Capacity to Think" by João Carlos Braga
"Transference and Counter-Transference as Transience" by Junqueira de Mattos
"Love as a Link: Reflections on the L (Love) and -L (-Love) Links" by Ney Marinho
"Alpha Function and Sleeping Disorders" by Sueli Regina G. Rossini
"Some Reflections on the Analyst's Daydreaming..." by Hilda Catz de Katz
"The Grid: The Two-Dimensional Crutch!" by Rudi Vermote
"Constructing a Psychology of Addiction..." by Marvin Lifschitz
"Structures of Thought and Feeling in a Male Homosexual Patient..." by Pietroni
"Bion's Odyssey Toward Transcendence in Theory of Thinking" by Jane Van Buren
"To Talk with Infants" by Johan Norman
"The Internal Establishment" by Paul Hoggett
"Beyond Bion's 'Experiences in Groups'" by Robert M. Lipgar
"Oneness and Me-ness in the baG?" by Diane Hatcher Cano
"The Use of Countertransference..." by Desy Safán-Gerard
"Intrapsychic and Interpersonal Containment in Internet Communication" by Evans
"Have Psycho-Analysts Anything to Do with the Web?" by Paulo Cesar Sandler
"Facing What Can Never Be Reached" by  Arnaldo Chuster
"Bionic Links on the Net: Back to the Future?" by Roberto Oelsner
"An Attempt to Implement Bion's Alpha and Beta Elements..." by Hanna Biran
"The Myth of Satan" by Arnaldo Chuster
"Religion and Religious States of Mind" by Deocleciano Bendocchi Alves
"Introduction to Bion's Legacy to Groups" by Parthenope Bion Talamo
"The Fifth Basic Assumption" by Lawrence, Bain, and Gould
"Basic Assumptions" by Marc G. Schramm
"Open House" by Marc G. Schramm
"Group Relations -- A Review of the Literature" by James Sempsey
"A Framework for Consulting to Organizational Role" by James Krantz and Marc Maltz
"Q-Studies of Leadership and Learning in a Social Matrix" by Robert M. Lipgar
"...Bion's Basic Assumption and Klein's Developmental Positions" by L. J. Gould
"Weaning from the Breast" by Leigh S. Estabrook
"Psychoanalytic Dream Interpretation..." by L. Share
Parthenope Bion Talamo (Bion's daughter) Memorial Page

Recommended Reading

Experiences in Groups : And Other Papers
by Wilfred R. Bion
Our Price: $20.99

All My Sins Remembered : Another Part of a Life and the Other Side of Genius Family Letters
by Wilfred Ruprecht Bion
Our Price: $41.95

Brazilian Lectures
by Wilfred R. Bion
Our Price: $36.95

Clinical Seminars and Other Works
by Wilfred Ruprecht Bion
Our Price: $41.95

by Wilfred R. Bion, Francesca Bion (Editor)
Our Price: $59.95

The Long Week-End, 1897-1919 : Part of a Life
by Wilfred R. Bion
Our Price: $41.95

A Memoir of the Future
by Wilfred R. Bion
Our Price: $56.95

Taming Wild Thoughts
by Wilfred R. Bion, Francesca Bion (Editor)
Our Price: $44.95

War Memoirs, 1917-19
by Wilfred R. Bion
Our Price: $44.95

The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion (Makers of Modern Psychotherapy)
by Joan Symington (Contributor), Neville Symington
Our Price: $22.99

New Introduction to the Work of Bion
by Leon, M.D. Grinberg, Dario Sor (Editor), Elizabeth T. De Bianchedi
Our Price: $40.00

The Psychoanalytic Mystic
by Michael Eigen
Our Price: $29.95

W. R. Bion Centennial Issue (1897-1997). Special Issue of the Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations
by I.M. Carson, M. Eigen, Bion Talamo de Bianchedi, M.A. Sells, D. Safan-Gerard, E. Rhode, L. Ryavec, J. Mitrani, C. Duran, O. Weininger
Our Price: $20.00

Wilfred Bion: His Life and Works 1897-1979
by Gerard Bleandonu, Claire Pajaczkowska (Translator)
Our Price: $42.00

Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion (The New Library of Psychoanalysis No.14)
by Robin Anderson (Editor)
Our Price: $25.99


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